Consulting & Management
My activities in the management of software projects mainly comprise consulting to support the management.
- Software Kanban
- Scrum, XP
- Software Strategy
- Innovation management
- Software Evaluation
- Business Analysis
- Business Intelligence
- Big Data/Predictive analysis
- Requirements Engineering
- Project Risk Assessment
- Coaching
- Blockchain
- Interim Project Management (on time)
Software Development
The experience and skills in software development have grown with my activities and are therefore very extensive. Also it gives me no trouble learn something new and apply it.
- Software Architecture & Design
- Enterprise Integration
- Microservice Architectures
- Framework and Tool Design
- DevOps, Continous Integration
- Database Design, SQL
- Datawarehouse OLAP, MDX, ETL Design
- Automated Tests
- Mobile Devices
- ERP Systems
- CRM Systeme
- Blockchain/Ethereum
- a variety of programming languages
- Ethereum, Parity, Smart Contracts, Lightning Network
- Tendermint, Cosmos
- BigchainDB, IPDB, IPFS
- Bitcoin, Sidechains
- Interledger (Ripple), Polkadot
Industry Expertise
By the large number of projects I have also a large number of industry experience.
- Softdrinks
- Airline
- Telecommunications
- Food production
- Production
- Trading
- IT
- Forwarders
- Internetprovider
- Rail Operators
- Taxi, Rental Cars
- Industrial Robots
- Industrial Automation
are not always easy to judge. Here is an excerpt describing my properties in project work.
- Resilient
- Rationalness
- Able to take criticism
- Stress resistant
- Autonomous
- Team Player
- Able to communicate
- Adaptable
Software, Systeme, Databases, Tools
Over the years I have acquired knowledge with a variety of software and systems.
- Java
- Javascript
- Scala
- Smalltalk
- Objective C
- Swift
- Solidity (Ethereum)
- VB
- Unix Bash Script
- Windows Cmd
- many more..
- Windows
- Mac OS/X
- Unix, Linux
- Docker
- IBM AS/400
- IBM Mainframe S/390
- MS SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- Oracle
- IBM DB2/400, DB2
- Apache Derby
- MS Analysis Services
- Oracle Analytische Funktionen
- Android
- iOS
- Firefox OS
- Windows Mobile
- Android
- iOS
- Firefox OS
- Windows Mobile
- bluecube
- MS Analysis Server
- MS Excel
- Crystal Reports
- Pentaho BI Suite 3
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Spark